A Coffee a Day and How It Can Make a Difference in Your Life

A Coffee a Day and How It Can Make a Difference in Your Life

If you’re a true-blue coffee drinker, you would likely agree that a day doesn’t really start until there’s coffee. In fact, coffee is a non-negotiable morning routine for many of us. For some, even, coffee is great at any part of the day. There’s something really special about coffee… perhaps it’s the taste, smell, or its jolt of caffeine. These things added up can make all the difference in anybody’s day.

Caffeine is a natural compound known to be a mild central nervous system stimulant, leaving you feeling alert or “awake”. The caffeine in coffee is essentially why coffee seems to have boosting effects on one’s brain function. This stimulant blocks adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain that makes us feel sleepy. There are a number of other food products that contain caffeine (such as tea and cocoa), but coffee is, arguably, the most popular of all the world over. 

This is why a lot of us rely on coffee as our favorite “waker-upper”. It’s also interesting to know that studies have found that even just the scent of roasted beans can help ease the effects of sleep deprivation. It only takes about 10 minutes for those first sips of coffee to start working its magic, but the wakeful effects can last for as long as four hours. 

This is why the “coffee nap” trick has been known to work. Because it takes a couple of hours for the caffeine to enter your bloodstream, the trick is to take a 20-minute power nap right after drinking your favorite coffee beverage for the ultimate energy boost. The coffee nap is the perfect solution to afternoon sluggishness. 

For those days when the gym is the one of the last places you want to be, but nonetheless need it, you’ll be happy to know that a shot (or two!) of espresso can be your best friend. Research has shown that gym-goers who received caffeine before gym time rated their workouts as “easier and more enjoyable” than those who went without. The even greater news is that those same test subjects (coffee group) consumed 72 fewer calories, on average, on that same day.

Sure, coffee will not exactly replace a good workout but the caffeine in a cup of JamaicanCoffeeClub’s superb Blue Mountain coffee is the perfect, organic stimulant that can get your metabolism going until you get to the gym. 

What’s more, scientific studies have shown that caffeine also helps prevent adult-onset diabetes. In fact, The European Journal of Nutrition published a study that found coffee and caffeine intake to have been linked to a 12% reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. So yes, go ahead and get that coffee refill.

With all its health and wellness benefits, coffee can truly be enjoyed fully with the right choice of coffee beans. One of the smoothest brews enjoyed by coffee lovers worldwide is our coffee as it is known to be well-balanced with a full-body, medium acidity and a mildly sweet taste. 

JamaicanCoffeeClub’s coffee is known for its mild, polished flavor and aroma of sweet herbs and florals, with nutty overtones. It has a smooth yet vibrant natural acidity, being that it’s grown in high altitude Our coffee is favored by many for its clean taste and low bitterness. As a side note, bitterness in coffee is actually avoided by brewing coffee properly. If you extract too much out of the ground coffee, you will likely end up with a harsh, bitter finish. This usually happens when the coffee beans’ grind size is too fine and if you over-brew your coffee grounds. Overly-fine coffee grounds will have much smaller particles, ultimately allowing the water to extract more from the fine surfaces.

Jamaica, with its lush topography of mountains, rainforests, and reef-lined beaches, produces a relatively small amount of Blue Mountain coffee each year. Our coffee is grown only in a very specific Jamaican government prescribed area in the Blue Mountains and is hand-picked to our specifications. The high elevation, cool climate, and volcanic soil, plus careful harvesting process all add up to the limited (thus, valuable) production. The labor-intensive harvesting and production take nearly 10 months, much longer than in other coffee-growing regions, but the result is an excellent drip coffee, whether automatic or pour-over. Take it black and truly enjoy one of the most sought-after coffees in the world.

Know what you’re buying. The best Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is of single origin – sourced from a single producer, crop, or region of one country. This is why our single-origin coffee beans are typically of very high, significantly better, quality. JamaicanCoffeeClub offers you nothing less than the most exquisite and genuine Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee experience.