Coffee Tolerance

Coffee Tolerance! Study Links Higher Coffee Intake to Health Benefits | 2024

Understanding Coffee Tolerance: Maximizing Health Benefits and Enjoyment

Recent research has revolutionized our understanding of coffee consumption, debunking the notion that excessive intake poses a significant health risk. In fact, it suggests that our bodies possess a remarkable coffee tolerance, capable of handling more of the beloved beverage than previously thought.

The study, published in July 2019 in JAMA Internal Medicine, followed nearly half a million individuals over a decade, tracking their daily coffee consumption and overall health. Astonishingly, those who consumed more than 8 cups a day exhibited no adverse health effects and actually displayed a lower risk of mortality. Among the 14,000 participants who passed away during the study period, commonly cited causes were cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases.

Interestingly, individuals who reported higher coffee intake were notably less likely to succumb to these ailments. What’s particularly intriguing is that this phenomenon held true across various types of coffee, whether instant or ground. Moreover, researchers delved into participants’ genetic profiles, pinpointing four gene variations associated with caffeine metabolism. This elucidated how the body processes caffeine, shedding light on the mechanisms underlying our coffee tolerance.

Coffee Intake and You

Along with its pleasurable taste and attractive aroma, drinking coffee, nature’s tasty natural food, has many benefits:

  • It reduces risk of cancer by 20%
  • It reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 20%
  • It reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 30%
  • It reduces the risk of heart disease by 5%

    This news is good for those who were always afraid of drinking too much coffee.

Just enough coffee or too much?

Researchers found that healthy adults can easily drink four eight-ounce cups of coffee per day. About 0.014 ounces of caffeine per day in healthy adults is not linked with poor cardiovascular effects, behavioral changes, reproductive and developmental effects, or acute effects. This study suggests that even higher amounts of coffee could be beneficial – but that does not mean that people should increase their coffee intake past what they are comfortable with. It’s essential to consider individual coffee tolerance when determining the appropriate amount to drink.

People also need to be reminded that:

  • Pregnant women should avoid caffeinated coffee intake because unborn babies are not capable of metabolizing caffeine.

  • Coffee additives such as sugar and creamer also decrease most, if not all, of the health benefits of coffee.

  • JamaicanCoffeeClub’s coffee is so naturally sweet and aromatic that our coffee connoisseurs tell us that they do not add anything as they say it takes away from the tasty wonder that is the coffee. While it may take a while to adjust to the sweet purity of JamaicanCoffeeClub™ coffee, you will enjoy our coffee better that way.

  • Try not to add creamer, syrup, and flavoring as these add fat and sugar to it which lowers the health benefits of our natural coffee. Monitoring your coffee tolerance can help you maintain the health benefits while enjoying the natural taste.

Understanding your coffee tolerance is crucial for maximizing the benefits of coffee while avoiding any potential adverse effects. Therefore, always consider your personal coffee tolerance when deciding how much coffee to consume.


Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and JamaicanCoffeeClub™ coffee is considered the best. Its high levels of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients are good for health. Your daily cup of coffee can help burn fat, fight depression, lower the risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and type-2 diabetes, and boost longevity! While coffee intake is about enjoyment, it’s important to be mindful of your coffee tolerance to avoid negative effects. We hope your choice will be JamaicanCoffeeClub™ coffee – the Caviar of Coffees™. Understanding your coffee tolerance ensures you can enjoy multiple cups and maximize health benefit